Friday, September 5, 2008

Game Preview - Montana State

Welcome Montana State. What do we know about them? Their mascot is probably some sort of cowboy guy or maybe a horse or something. That's it. Nobody from God's wanted to travel up there and visit their stink-town and get a look at their crap-team. I'm assuming Ron Prince thought the same so look for a lot'a WTF!? moments in this one. I can see KSU getting out to an early lead and steadily increasing their lead as the game goes on. Hold onto your hats is all I'm saying. Guy on the right is former KSU QB Jonathan Beasley. He is known for two things: whining KSU fans constantly calling him underrated and the fact that he wasn't nearly as good as Michael Bishop. Don't take this game for granted is what I would tell nobody because I am taking it for granted.
Final Score - KSU 52 Montana State STFU

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