Monday, October 13, 2008

Ron Prince Replacement Candidate #5

Meet Bryan McPennis. Bryan is an assistant at San Jose University. His specialty is offense.

I had the opportunity to do a phone interview with Bryan this afternoon. Here is what I can remember from our chat.

GAG: So, Bryan, are you available to take a head coaching position?

BM: Yes. Yes, I am.

GAG: How soon are you available?

BM: Well, I'm currently at San Jose University through this season...

GAG: What if someone said, "Hey, you can have this head coaching position, but you have to take it before the season is over. That's part of the deal." Would you be available sooner in that type of case?

BM: Yeah, I guess so. Probably.

GAG: All right, then, Bryan. That's all the questions I have for today. Thank you for your time. Good luck with the season.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What is this, i am Bryan McGinnis, and i did not do this interview, and i did not authorize my name and pic. Please take this down asap.