Friday, June 19, 2009

Football Grad Asst. in latest Costly KSU Athletics Buyout Scandal

(Manhattan)-  Another name has joined the K-State Athletic Department's list of employees with costly buyouts.  Former Kansas State Quarterback and current Graduate Assistant Football Coach Jonathon Beasley is the latest implicated in the ongoing scandal involving bonuses included in contracts given out to Athletic Department employees under the leadership of Athletic Director Bob Krause and University President Jon Wefald.  The incentives for this buyout were a bit unusual according to a copy of the contract obtained by GAGKSU.  Included in Mr. Beasley's otherwise modest contract was a termination clause that would provide for: "100 Chipotle burritos and a one year pass to Kansas State Union's Bluemont Buffet" upon termination of Mr. Beasley's contract with Kansas State.  Incoming Athletic Director John Currie and Mr. Beasley could not be reached for comment.


Anonymous said...

I heard SD and this guy were gay together...any legs to it?

Anonymous said...

Absolutely true. I heard SD has been seen at a gay bar in omaha.

Anonymous said...
